I was waiting for quiet long for i finally got my own new handphone.It was brand new motorola v9 and motorola also was one of my favourite companies so really glad and happy to purchase a phone from them.Wednesday was the day i purchase it.I brought my father to motorola concept shop at klcc and bought it there.The salesman was very friendly and since i already decide to purchase the suitable model for me it only took about 15 minutes to finish the purchase.After the purchase, my father was rushing to go home while me enjoying the brand new phone all the way to home.The phone was really wonderful and nice with 3.5G in the phone.So next time i can post a article from the phone itself.Motorola v9 also very fast with the 512m processor which is the fastest processor available for phone now.I also don't have to worried about internet since the phone itself have but unfortunaly the phone don't have WiFi.So altogether the phone was really nice,wonderful and really suit with me.
ade org dpt h/p baru...
ko tggu ar aku beli h/p lg canggih punyer...
Huhu!...Hp baru..apepon aku ucapkan tahniah...hehe - Mario
dpt nset baru yekkk..=D
canggih seyh..-pnut
wah,handphone bru..
tak bole belahhrr...
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