As usual when I was reading most of Sunday’s newspaper,one particular newspaper really stand out not because of too many nice news but because of too many craps and facts are wrong.I don’t need to mention its “Mingguan Malaysia’’ aka Utusan Melayu on Sunday.Only thing which really interesting in it was the ‘panca indera’ supplement.
The supplement contains about local artist and gossips around them.Last not to be left out,will be one page about Korean artist which doesn’t make any sense at all.Are you not supporting the local artist industry ? or local industry is falling and that why they decide to include some Korean too since there is demand for it.Its show increasing support towards foreign artist specially Korean.
But the really crap I’m talking about is the columnist or opinion writer in newspaper.In utusan, I think they get worst of all.Most of the facts are wrong too maybe they are just too busy with their job I guess.For example, ‘Ku seman Ku Hussain’ its say about recent joint army training with US and South Korea.There was a part which he condemn South Korea that the country will affected on economy and socio politic due to US involvement in the army exercise.Even he says that it will undermine South Korea’s army.Other than that,he also wrote about China’s army training.On his opinion,he says that it was China’s move to oppose Us and S Korea’s joint training.One more thing which he gets it totally wrong will be saying that Japan is closer to North Korea than China.
For info,Us’s involvement in Korea is way far back during Korean War where former president of Us offering to help South Korea to fight with communist North and their involvement still there since Korean War wasn’t officially ended.In fact,we still can see until now Us army joint with Korean army at the Dmz border .There larger presence of them in South too and it affect much the nation.Next,China’s involvement by conducting its own army training.Actually,China already annouce it opposition against North and they were conducting the training with Us’s invitation.Lastly,if he really look at the map if learned geography it clear shows China shares border with North and Japan is was far North but closer towards the South.
There are others columinst such ‘Dr.Ridhuan Tee’ where it says about his oppose ons religion society in schools.Its actually society main aim is provide information their religion an avoid too many free thinkers.But in his opinion,this will create trouble to the nation later.I don’t really get his point on this.Maybe the society want to avoid another Dr like him.What I really saw was his opposition against development of other races.Whats the big deal if all the races develop together.Can’t accept the fact?.
Another ‘Dr.’ such Dr.Rais and Dr.Ling I guess.
Another ridiculous its about Chelsea Clinton’s marriage by Johardy Ibrahim and Media’s control democracy by Mazlan.For Johardy,just google and see how many things are coming out.You get it.
Only columnist I prefer will be ’Awang Selamat’ although he involves in a lot of controversies but he really exposing issue that we can’t never know about it .As usual,other local news are totally one-sided news and wont contain any really important news in the that paper.Lastly,I think the newspaper is total crap.
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